106 Ergebnisse für: disobedience
The art of revolt.
Snowden, Assange, and Manning are the protagonists of a movement that is questioning the very ground we stand on, the dispositives defining our present. As such, they enable us both to think in a new way and to interrogate received ways of thinking about…
Germans Against Nazism: Nonconformity, Opposition and Resistance in the ... - Google Books
Rather than being accepted by all of German society, the Nazi regime was resisted in both passive and active forms. This re-issued volume examines opposition to National Socialism by Germans during the Third Reich in its broadest sense. It considers…
Adam Hochschild: Sprengt die Ketten. Der entscheidende Kampf um die Abschaffung der Sklaverei - Perlentaucher
Der Kampf und die Kampagne gegen die Sklaverei geht auf eine kleine Gruppe persönlich zutiefst überzeugter Aktivisten zurück: Thomas Clarkson, ein bekennender Quäker, und William...
The art of revolt.
Snowden, Assange, and Manning are the protagonists of a movement that is questioning the very ground we stand on, the dispositives defining our present. As such, they enable us both to think in a new way and to interrogate received ways of thinking about…
RAWLS, John Borden (Bordley)
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Holy Fox - Andrew Roberts - Google Books
Edward Wood, 3rd Viscount Halifax, was a church-going, fox-hunting aristocrat, but it was his political guile that earned him Churchill's nickname 'The Holy Fox'. As Viceroy of India, his deal with Gandhi ended the Civil Disobedience campaign before it…
Thorns | Discography & Songs | Discogs
Entdecken SIe Veröffentlichungen und Tracks von Thorns auf Discogs. Kaufen Sie Platten, CDs und mehr von Thorns auf dem Discogs-Marktplatz.
Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolent Power in Action - Dennis Dalton - Google Books
Dennis Dalton's classic account of Gandhi's political and intellectual development focuses on the leader's two signal triumphs: the civil disobedience movement (or salt satyagraha) of 1930 and the Calcutta fast of 1947. Dalton clearly demonstrates how…