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    First published in 2005, this book is the second volume produced by the Indian Ocean Research Group (IORG). The Indian Ocean Region has become increasingly important to discussions on energy security, not only because of the critical importance of regional…

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    Intranet Themen und Trends 2015 als Buch von Thorsten Riemke-Gurzki, Why Intranets Fail (and How to Fix Them) als eBook Download von Luke Tredinnick, Dienstleistungsplattform Intranet als Buch von Peter Esposito, Strukturen und Prozesse in…

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    Poems and Letters of William R. G. Mills, Second Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery (Killed in Action in the Salient, Ypres) (Classic Reprint) als B..., Ypres Diary 1914-15 als eBook Download von Gavin Roynon, The First Casualty, Hörbuch, Digital, 1,…

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     Lucrarea reprezintă o sintază apărută şi tipărită în două volume (vol. I – 2002 şi vol. II – 2004 şi) sub egida Editurii “Mica Valahie” din Bucureşti. Volumele, elaborate în temeiul unor documente descoperite în arhivele române şi străine, acoperă…

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     Lucrarea reprezintă o sintază apărută şi tipărită în două volume (vol. I – 2002 şi vol. II – 2004 şi) sub egida Editurii “Mica Valahie” din Bucureşti. Volumele, elaborate în temeiul unor documente descoperite în arhivele române şi străine, acoperă…

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    In this valuable collection of essays, published to coincide with the tercentenary of Handel's birth, Reinhard Strohm examines the relationship between Handel's great operas and the earlier European Baroque tradition, focusing on the Italian school, to…

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