349 Ergebnisse für: necnon
Regesta diplomatica necnon epistolaria historiae Thuringiae
Regesta diplomatica necnon epistolaria historiae Thuringiae
Regesta diplomatica necnon epistolaria historiae Thuringiae
Regesta diplomatica necnon epistolaria historiae Thuringiae
ETH-Bibliothek / Heronis mechanici liber de machinis bellicis, necnon liber de geodaesia
ETH-Bibliothek (NEBIS). Heronis mechanici liber de machinis bellicis, necnon liber de geodaesia. Venetiis : apud Franciscum Franciscium, 1572
ETH-Bibliothek / De systemate orbis cometici deque admirandis coeli characteribus, opuscula duo, in quorum primo cometarum causae disquiruntur, & explicantur, necnon vie [...]
ETH-Bibliothek (NEBIS). De systemate orbis cometici deque admirandis coeli characteribus, opuscula duo, in quorum primo cometarum causae disquiruntur, & explicantur, necnon vie [...]. Panormi[Palermo] : Nicolai Bua, 1654
Inter Cives Necnon Peregrinos - Google Books
The contributions to this volume are concerned with the Roman law of antiquity in its broadest sense, covering both private and public law from the Roman Republic to the Byzantine era, including legal papyrology. They also examine the reception of Roman…
Inter Cives Necnon Peregrinos - Google Books
The contributions to this volume are concerned with the Roman law of antiquity in its broadest sense, covering both private and public law from the Roman Republic to the Byzantine era, including legal papyrology. They also examine the reception of Roman…
Inter Cives Necnon Peregrinos - Google Books
The contributions to this volume are concerned with the Roman law of antiquity in its broadest sense, covering both private and public law from the Roman Republic to the Byzantine era, including legal papyrology. They also examine the reception of Roman…
Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum theologicorum latinorum necnon philosophicorum - Stadtbibliothek Lübeck
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Willkommen - Arnsteiner Patres: SSCC
Website der Arnsteiner Patres – Kongregation von den Heiligsten Herzen Jesu und Mariens und der ewigen Anbetung des Allerheiligsten Altarsakramentes, lateinisch Congregatio Sacrorum Cordium Jesu et Mariae necnon adorationis perpetuae Sanctissimi Sacramenti…
404 - Arnsteiner Patres: SSCC
Website der Arnsteiner Patres – Kongregation von den Heiligsten Herzen Jesu und Mariens und der ewigen Anbetung des Allerheiligsten Altarsakramentes, lateinisch Congregatio Sacrorum Cordium Jesu et Mariae necnon adorationis perpetuae Sanctissimi Sacramenti…